Barkus is a very good-natured and quiet dog, who found himself abandoned and left to fend for himself...he came into the Annapolis County animal control and found a friend in Peggotty..they go everywhere when they came into CAPS(Companion Animal Protection Society)'s care it's not surprising that their friendship only strengthened...they are in fostercare right now but would love nothing more than to find their FOREVER home(CAPS would prefer them to go together) but will consider all approved homes. Like Peggotty, Barkus is a German Shepard mixed dogs of unknown parentage but but one things is clear..he's loving and loyal and had much to give the home and people who decide to ADOPT him...IF you would like to meet Barkus and Peggotty, PLEASE download the adoption application, fill it out and send it into the Adoption Chair as soon as possible...Barkus is a wonderful, handsome young dog who won't be waiting long for that perfect ACT NOW!!!...and any further information on Barkus can be found by emailing for looking and let's hope Barkus isn't waiting TOO long for his perfect home!!! You can look at my other ADs to find Peggotty's information and pictures